Ufta! Hello Monday! It’s 10:30 in the morning and I’ll admit my motivation to do anything is just not there. I’m having an off day and my mind feels blank. I know I have plenty to work on but even typing this is a struggle. Pretty sure I could just stare out my office window all day and listen to some peaceful mediation music and be just fine.
I don’t know if it’s because I feel over-whelmed with all the goals and projects I want to accomplish in 2022, or just because I’m human and somedays the motivation just isn’t there.
Finding Motivation
So, what am I going to do about it? I know I don’t want to be non-productive all day and stare at my computer and do nothing. I’ve already had some coffee from my DreamDirt Yeti, got ready for the day (yes – dressed, hair and makeup done even though I work from home), journaled, and sorted through emails.
My next step to finding motivation was to type this blog. I did so well last week writing blogs each day. Click here to read one I wrote about our old farmhouse. Which the TikTok video is still getting views. It’s past 75,000 views now!
A book I’ve been reading, The Visual Sale by Marcus Sheridan, is sitting on my desk. Once I pick it up, I know it’ll spark ideas and inspiration! I’ve been working on making a farmland seller online course with videos and looking forward to getting that published soon on our website!

Iowa Farmland Videos
Making videos is typically out of people’s comfort zone. I know that I’ve pushed myself and have grown since making video content. I love being able to connect with others on TikTok and my YouTube channel. If you’re interested in learning more about Iowa Farmland Prices, check out my short videos!
On my to-do list today, I want to do a re-cap video of land auction results from last week and do a few more county level videos. It’s my goal to talk about each county in Iowa and what the average farmland price is and the percent increase in land value from 2020 to 2021.
Dance Party Motivation
If you’re a Grey’s Anatomy fan like myself, you know random dance parties also help. Think I’ll raise my standing desk, put on some pump up music, do some crazy dance moves and get the blood flowing! Meanwhile, Dude my golden retriever, is snuggled up on a blanket snoring. He might have to join my dance party….

Here’s to finding motivation and pushing through this Monday!