Old Farmhouse Decor and Nostalgia
Yesterday, I made a TikTok video about things in our 1900’s old farmhouse that just make sense. I received a lot of interaction and comments on it. Here’s the video.
You can see many people commented saying things along the line of “yup, that looks like my parent’s house or where I grew up”, and “looks homey”. I couldn’t agree more with them! Even though somethings make me laugh like the really old carpet, wood furnace, wood paneling, tractors for décor, basement full of chore clothes, and barn cats that come inside – I can’t thank my family enough for providing me with a farm to grow up on.
Visiting Grandparent’s Iowa Farmhouse
When I was a little girl, I LOVED coming over to grandma and grandpa’s house to the farm. My parents, sister and I lived on a small acreage outside of Adel, IA and the farm is outside of Redfield, IA. I would tag along with my grandparents during the day while my dad was at work and mom was resting or getting chemo treatments for her Breast Cancer. I remember helping with livestock chores and playing in the corn piles. Here’s a photo I recently came across of me and my grandma in the feed shed. My grandma was very active on the farm. She would take me along in the tractor (with my car seat). I believe this is where my love for agriculture stemmed from. My grandpa also had a few bottle calves and lambs. I vividly remember helping him mix bottles and feeding the babies.

There was something about pulling in and out of my grandparents drive that made my heart warm. I was always so excited to walk up to the door and give my grandma a hug on Sunday’s for dinner when I was in my teenage and college years. Also turning around in the car and waving out the window to her as we left to head home to our place by Adel made me smile. I could always count on her hugs and waves goodbye.
Living in an 1900’s Farmhouse
Life is a little different now. December 2020, I hugged my grandma for the last time and the farmhouse became my Dad’s. The move from Adel to Redfield early part of 2021 was extremely hard on my Dad, sister, and I. But the idea of finally living back on the farm excited my Dad. This is where our cows are, crops, and farm equipment. The only updates we did to this old farmhouse was paint the two upstairs bedrooms white instead of the blue color. After recording my TikTok yesterday, I’m starting to think that this house is fine just the way it is. Not many others have the luxury of living in an old farmhouse that their family worked so hard for. I am trying to convince Dad to at least tear up the carpet upstairs since there’s nice hardwood underneath.
Wednesday, January 5th, 2022
I’m really enjoying writing these daily blogs each morning. It’s a great way to start my day and helps me put my thoughts down on paper. Since I work from home as a farmland auctioneer and land agent for DreamDirt, I have to keep myself motivated throughout the work day. These more personal lifestyle blogs help me prepare for the day and encourage me to keep working hard. I do write blogs about farmland in Iowa on our DreamDirt page. You can read the most recent one here.
Hoy Family Farm
To wrap up, even though my last name changed to Tiffany October 9, 2021, I will always be a Hoy. My grandparents farm in Dallas County, IA will always be the Hoy Family Farm. The nickname, “Hoy Boy” will stick with me forever too!
Stay warm out there! Currently only 5 degrees and the wind is brutal.