When I first meet someone and introduce myself as an auctioneer I get some strange looks. My family and friends also have troubles grasping the fact that I’m an Iowa farmland auctioneer. Why is this? When most people hear the word auctioneer, they picture someone chanting. I don’t have the talent to do so or know what words to say in a chant. However, I am an Iowa farmland auctioneer and here’s why.
Definition of an Auctioneer
According to the National Association of Realtors, an auctioneer is,“The person whom the seller engages to direct, conduct, or be responsible for a sale by auction. This person may or may not actually call or cry the auction.”
There are several auctioneer schools around the country that offer different types of classes and designations. World Wide College of Auctioneering in Mason City, IA helps those who are interested in learning how to chant. I know many auctioneers that have been to this school. However, I knew it wouldn’t be the right fit for me. I wanted to learn more about the business side of the auction industry and strategies to best serve my clients.
Jason Smith and Tom Bradley, (brokers, and auctioneers of DreamDirt), both suggested I attend Certified Auctioneers Institute (CAI) School. CAI is hosted by the National Auctioneers Association. It is a three-year program and covers auction methods, improving business skills, staying up-to-date with technology, networking, and becoming a leader.
I couldn’t wait to sign-up and get started on my CAI journey after hearing what all it has to offer!
Certified Auctioneer Institute School
Even though CAI was going to look different this year due to COVID, I still wanted to attend. Typically, the class is held in Bloomington, Indiana at the University of Indiana. With COVID gathering limitations, the NAA decided to host the class virtually. I’ve used Zoom before when meeting with clients. Yet, I didn’t know what to expect from taking this class over a period of 5 days all online. CAI starts on a Sunday and goes through Thursday. By the time Thursday came, I was familiar with everyone in my class! I was able to network even from my own home office!

During our introductions on Sunday, I quickly realized the majority of my classmates come from an auction family. Which made me sit back and think, do I know anyone in my family that was/is an auctioneer? The answer: no. Wow! I am a first-generation Iowa farmland auctioneer and the only one in my class from Iowa! What also surprised me was out of the 40 auctioneers in my class, there are only 8 of us females! We also represent 17 different states and specialize in selling all different types of assets. My class consist of a wide range of benefit, personal property, commercial real estate, farm machinery, and land auctioneers. We all specialize in selling different assets, but are still helping each other!
Auction Proposal
Besides listening to our speakers, we also worked in groups to present an auction proposal. My group’s assignment was to compose a professional proposal to present to the seller’s of a brewery. Since we were all working over Zoom, we built communication skills and showed our strengths through group work. This group proposal was practice for our individual work which includes submitting an auction proposal by August 1st. A proposal is required in order to advance to CAI Class II next year.
CAI 2022 Benefit Auction
While working on our proposals, we will also be planning to host the CAI 2022 Benefit Auction. I’m the administrator of the executive team and will be handling communications between our committees for the coming year. I’m excited to help coordinate the best benefit auction for next year!
Licensing Requirements of Real Estate Salesperson versus Auctioneer in Iowa
After become a licensed salesperson in Iowa, I found it odd auctioneers in Iowa don’t need a license.
I’ve been in the auction industry since late 2018 and have seen a lack of professional and educated auctioneers. Yes, I’m an auctioneer in Iowa because there is no licensing requirements in this state. Even so, I wanted to become educated and more knowledgeable about auction business. This is where CAI school comes into play.
Taking Action!
I decided to enroll in CAI school to help set myself apart from the rest of the industry. Less than 850 professionals currently hold the CAI designation and I want to become one of the elites. I will stay up to date with the best practices in the auction industry, laws, regulations, and conducting business. I’m taking it upon myself to invest into furthering my education in order to protect and best serve my clients
I’m here to help!
Selling farm assets is a very complex process. I suggest hiring a professional who is willing to dedicate their time into becoming the best Iowa farmland auctioneer. I can explain the auction process and guide you along every step of the way. Not just calling for bids and chanting.
Contact me at 515-954-8063 or rachel@dreamdirt.com to get started with a free consultation. Get to know me more my watching this video!