Rachel Hoy

Get a Fast Quote On Your Farmland

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Whether it’s a phone call, email, text message, or video conference call, I’m always here to talk! I understand selling land can be very stressful and confusing and sometimes you just need someone to listen or give advice on what to do.

Talking to landowners is one of my favorites and there is no cost to reach out to me. I believe that the time I get to talk with you is absolutely priceless! If you just want to talk about farming and livestock with someone, I’m your gal as well!

Consultations + Main Contact

Market Analysis

I’m not lying when I say Math was my favorite subject growing up! I took a Rural Property Appraisal class at Iowa State University and found a new love for using math! I truly enjoy researching comparable sales, studying current land market trends, and calculating what your farm is worth.

If you are thinking about selling, fill out this form for a free market analysis. Not ready to sell or have other plans? Certified appraisers can be expensive! Let me help you at about half the cost of what they charge with a prompt and professional report of what I think your farm is worth.

Free Market Analysis


Ready to sell your farmland but have a few questions about what method of selling is best for your land or how much it will cost? Fill out this form to get a free quote on a customized marketing package for your land listing or auction.

To be fair to all of my sellers, instead of charging a standard rate to all types of land, my commission fees vary depending on number of acres, expected value of your farm, and what type of sale method you choose, (online versus live bidding or listing. To receive a free quote please fill out this form!



Are you on the hunt to buy land instead of sell? I can still help you!

Fill out this form so I know what type of land you are looking for and I’ll start searching. I can represent buyers in Iowa and help you present offers and represent you at an auction.
